With his visually impressive debut film EMPTY NETS, director Behrooz Karamizade unfolds a poetic love story and at the same time paints a haunting portrait of the young generation in Iran: He tells of their hope for a freer future and sheds light on the life-threatening flight movements in contemporary Iran.
In 1986 and when the war broke out, a group of families of fighters settled in a villa town near Andimeshk, which before the revolution was the residence of South Railway contractor workers, not too far from the war front.
To help the field hospital and play a supporting role behind the front, and to be able to see their loved ones more easily and give them encouragement; Young and old women who have a spouse or a child in the front line and sympathize with him, perform their traditional role together in a collective way to reduce their heartache.
In the meantime, Sima (Tanaz Tabatabai) enters the villa settlement. A woman who does not sympathize with her husband going to the front and came to take her children back from their grandmother (Soraya Ghasemi) and take them with her. On the other hand, Mrs. Khairi (Prinaz Izdiyar), who is the commander of the base, tries to provide peace in the villas. The presence of the families of the fighters together creates some events.